RELEASE DATE : 09-09-2009 PROTECTION : Steam В
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плн Release Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л Have you ever wondered what could happen if time travel was a л л
Б л reality? Have you ever thought about the possibility of going л л
л л back in time to rewrite history for the better? That л л
л л possibility is a reality in Darkest of Days, where players л л
л л will travel back and forth through the annals of time to л л
л л relive some of mankind's most dire hours. л л
л л л л
л л By fighting through terrible events such as The Battle of л л
л л Antietam, the bloodiest conflict of the Civil War, and both л л
л л World War I and II, the player will attempt to save certain л л
л л key individuals who were never meant to become involved in л л
л л these truly monstrous events and thereby change human history л л
л л for the better. л л
л л л л
л л Key features л л
л л л л
л л Brand New Engine: The dedicated team at 8monkey Labs has л л
л л created an all-new, groundbreaking game engine known as л л
л л Marmoset. The Marmoset engine not only breaks from the all-too л л
л л present Unreal engine FPS clones flooding the market, but also л л
л л allows for some amazing graphical capabilities. You'll fight л л
л л through epic battles filled with literally hundreds of NPCs on л л
л л the screen at the same time, all with an advanced AI and all л л
л л without a hint of graphical slowdown and all set against л л
л л wide-open environments that are lushly detailed and л л
л л dynamically lighted. л л
л л л л
л л Compelling Storyline: Darkest of Days is a compelling, л л
л л action-packed first-person shooter to be sure, but it's not л л
л л just mindless run-and-gun, blow 'em up gameplay. You'll have л л
л л to not only think about how to approach certain key battles л л
л л and situations, but you'll also have to take care when л л
л л fighting ? certain key people that were never meant to die л л
л л will be marked with a special blue aura. If you kill them, л л
л л you'll face dire consequences... л л
л л л л
л л Wreak Havoc with Future Weapons in Antiquity: Something nearly л л
л л every gamer that's ever played a shooter based in the past has л л
л л always wanted is the ability to bring a futuristic weapon back л л
л л through history and kick some major butt. How differently л л
л л would Custer's last stand have turned out if the General was л л
л л equipped with an M-16 assault rifle? You'll be able to answer л л
л л questions like this in Darkest of Days. While not every battle л л
л л and situation will allow you to wield weapons from the future, л л
л л there will be plenty of opportunities for you to unleash л л
л л futuristic fury on your unsuspecting foes. л л
л А л А
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плн Install Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л 1. Unpack Release л л
Б л 2. Mount/Burn Image л л
л л 3. Install Game л л
л л 4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW directory on the DVD to л л
л л your installation directory and overwrite л л
л л 5. Play the game л л
л л л л
л л There was nothing wrong with game nor crack on previous rls, л л
л л but by accident the game installed 2 shortcuts on desktop, л л
л л the game icon and one called LanguageSelector.exe which was a л л
л л mistake and not needed one, sorry for that folks....
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