* Release Date....: 09/26/07
* File Name.......: wrx-conan.rar
* File Size.......: 53 X 100 MO
* Platform........: XBOX360
* Format..........: ISO
* Origin..........: PAL MULTI 5 UK/FR/DE/SP/IT
* Source..........: DVD9
薩昉旁 글꾼긋
겡? ? 겨 丙 ? 겨 丙 ? 겡?
? 丙갚께賞栢껑꾼白栢껑꾼昉三栢昉굉栢蔔昉굉栢幡께굅견 ?
倂旁 煞 ? ? ? ? 견 글긁
Conan is a third-person action game that puts the 밾ack?back
into hack 몁 slash. The game features some of the most insane
combat we뭭e seen in quite a while, reminiscent of titles like
Ninja Gaiden and God of War. It뭩 one hell of a gory game, too,
featuring plenty of severed limbs, brutal attacks, and arterial
sprays galore. Your heavy and light attacks will be mapped to
the face buttons, as will your grab moves and jumping. The
shoulder buttons will allow you to block and parry your enemies?
attacks, and you can use the right analog stick to quickly dodge
left or right.
예전에 아놀드슈왈츠제네거의 코난이란 영화가 있었다.
그리고 이제 게임으로 다시 탄생했다.
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