Title: Fight Night Round 4
Date: 06/23/2009
System: XBOX360
Region: FREE :)
Filename: ccclx-fnr4.*
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 is truly the Return of the Champ.
Building off EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3, one of the best-selling
and most critically acclaimed games to come out at the onset of the Xbox
360 and Playstation 3 hardware launches, EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4
promises to be equally as ground-breaking and revolutionary. With an all
new physics based fighting engine, new physics driven animations, truly
unique and differentiated boxer styles, and the most impressive boxer roster
ever including the return of the legendary Iron Mike Tyson, EA SPORTS Fight
Night Round 4 takes video game boxing and fighting to an entirely new level.
파이트 나이트 라운드 4
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