PT Boats Knights of the Sea / Akella ААБББВВВВВллллл А
В RELEASE DATE : 28-09-2009 PROTECTION : StarForce В
В GAME TYPE : Naval Action Simulation DISKS : 1 DVD В
плВппппппппппппппппллппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппп ппп п
плн Release Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks. л л
Б л We're a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark л л
л л under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root л л
л л of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and л л
л л nothing else. We don't earn anything on our hobby, as we do л л
л л this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene л л
л л started in the mid eighties. л л
л л л л
л л If you think you got something to offer, then don't hold back л л
л л on contacting us as soon as possible. л л
л л л л
л л Skid Row 2009 л л
л л л л
л л _______ __ ___ _____ /\__ л л
л л \ / |/ /_/\_| \ \ _ \ / /_ \/\ /\ л л
л л /\ \/| / / \/\/| |\ \ \//_// / / / / / / л л
л л / \ \| \ \ / \| |_\ \ / / \/ /_/ / /// / л л
л л \____/|_|\_\\__/|___/ / /_/\_/\__/_/\____/ л л
л л twice the fun \/ double the trouble л л
л л л л
л л л л
л л On with the game release information: л л
л л л л
л л The seas can be dangerous, but when youre in command of a л л
л л crack strike boat crew, you might just be the most dangerous л л
л л thing out there... л л
л л л л
л л Join up to the Russian, German or Allied navies and prove your л л
л л worth out these on the open water. Control every aspect of л л
л л your boats defensive and offensive, from the anti-aircraft л л
л л guns hobbling your enemys air superiority to the torpedo л л
л л strapped to the sides to sink destroyers of merchant vessels. л л
л л л л
л л Combining advanced strategic and action modes you can plan the л л
л л intricacies of your attack and then lead your crew from the л л
л л front and right in the battle. As you advance in rank л л
л л throughout the long campaign you will gain access to new boats л л
л л and even warships for you to command. Build up your crew in л л
л л single player then go online and join your friends manning л л
л л your own boat and challenge others in a battle to the death. л л
л л л л
л л The game has an unbelievable combination of strategic л л
л л management, realistic simulation and in your face action. л л
л л л л
л л PT boats is a Naval Action Sim that puts gamers in charge of л л
л л Allied forces during WW2 with historically accurate vessels л л
л л and battles. л л
л л л л
л л Diverse gaming experiences from issuing orders to your entire л л
л л fleet from above, to getting your hands dirty and gunning down л л
л л the enemy in first person view! л л
л л л л
л л PT Boats is cutting edge being very polished with support for л л
л л DX10 (DX 9 also). л л
л л л л
л л Proprietary graphics engine, with advanced physics and л л
л л post-processing effects л л
л А л А
плВппппппппппппппппллппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппп ппп п
плн Install Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л 1. Unpack release л л
Б л 2. Mount image or burn it л л
л л 3. Install л л
л л 4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW directory on the DVD to л л
л л your installation directory and overwrite л л
л л 5. Play the game
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