'레이싱'에 해당되는 글 58건

  1. 2008.10.20 MotoGP_08_PAL_XBOX360-SPARE


2008. 10. 20. 00:28

SYSTEM_________; XBOX360
                        FORMAT_________; ISO
                        REGiON/COUNTRY_; PAL
                        RELEASE_DATE___; 19/10/2008
                        GAME_GENRE_____; Racing
                        LANGUAGE_______; ENGLISH - FRENCH
                        SiZE___________; xx x 100MB
                        RIPPED_________; Nothing
                        Publisher______; Capcom 
     MotoGP 08 puts the player at the centre of the MotoGP experience by letting
     them join a team and compete alongside their sporting heroes in all three race
     classes ?125cc, 250cc and MotoGP. Good results in qualifying and racing earn
     points that can then be exchanged for bike upgrades to improve attributes such
     as straight line speed, braking and cornering
     - Prepatched, stealth image + iXtreme compatible
     - Enjoy!


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