RELEASE DATE : 03-22-2008 PROTECTION : Nothing В
Release Notes:
ппп А л Do you hear the oncoming roar of engines? cars of Day Watch л л
Б л and Night Watch are rushing through the busy streets of л л
л л Moscow; ocertaking each other and racing with the wind behind л л
л л them. The managed to prevent military confrontation and are л л
л л now sorting out their hierarchy in crazy races on the city's л л
л л streets. To avoid traffic they sometimes travel in the л л
л л twilight zone where there is silence and calm. л л
л л л л
л л Fantasy racing set in the Night Watch Universe л л
л л л л
л л A choice of 6 characters members of Night and Day Watches, 6 л л
л л cars, as featured in the motion picture, eash one with its own л л
л л magical ability л л
л л л л
л л Explosion blend of real lefe urbanism of the streets of Moscow л л
л л and magic power of the Night Watch universe л л
л л л л
л л Weather conditions affecting car handling on the л л
л л road л л
л л л л
л л Ability to go into twilight in order to overtake opponents л л
пп п
плн Install Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л 1. Unpack Release л л
Б л 2. Mount/Burn Image л л
л л 3. Install Game л л
л л 4. Check SKIDROW.exe in SKIDROW dir on the CD :) л л
л л 5. Play the game
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