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  1. 2007.10.04 Project Gotham Racing 4

Project Gotham Racing 4

2007. 10. 4. 00:33

Title: Project Gotham Racing 4
Date: 10/2/07
System: XBOX360
Region: Region Free :)
Filename: *

#Disks: *

Right from the starting line, Project Gotham Racing 4
creates an emotionally-charged racing experience, where
you become attached to your careers, profiles, and vehicles.
There are several new features that embody this emotional
experience, the most significant being the new career mode.

Get ready to be rewarded with a growing fanbase that cheers
you on, reacts to your every move, and supports you through
victory. Just imagine hearing the roar of the crowd as you
cross the finish line with your own style and flair.


프로젝트 고담레이싱 4

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