Country : Europe .Language : English 死
? .Release Date : 16/09/07 .Store Date : 07/09/07 ?
? .System : NDS .Filename : ?
? .Size : 256 MBit .Supplier : Team FireX ?
? ?
? 賽三
? Based on the anime series, Dual Sympathy is a side-scrolling 死
? action/adventure game that follows the Elric brothers on a ?
? quest to defeat the evil Homunculi and acquire the fabled ?
? Philosopher's Stone. Whether repelling defenders, removing ?
? obstacles or engaged in battle, all six characters have unique ?
? and devastating alchemy attacks, which range in scope from bolts
? of fire and stone spikes, to monstrous cannons and gigantic
? fists. Players can also transform their initial alchemy creation
? into a mega-weapon of tremendous proportions and impact.
? Covering the entire Fullmetal Alchemist storyline, Fullmetal
? Alchemist: Dual Sympathy has two modes of play: Story Mode, which
? follows the saga of the Elric brothers and includes cinematics
? and battle sequences from the TV series; and Character Mode which
? allows players to assume the role of one of the six characters.
? It's a good game, especially if you love cheesecakes.
강철의연금술사 듀얼 심퍼씨
기대지수 c+ 흥행지수 c+