RELEASE DATE : 20-06-2008 PROTECTION : Serial В
В GAME TYPE : Strategy DISKS : 1 CD В
плВппппппппппппппппллппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппп ппп п
плн Release Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л The original Supreme Ruler was a text-based economic strategy л л
Б л game released in 1983. A new vision of a groundbreaking л л
л л economic, political and military strategy game was realized л л
л л with the release in May 2005 of Supreme Ruler 2010, which has л л
л л received critical acclaim from gaming and strategy л л
л л publications, and also received two nominations from the л л
л л Canadian Awards for the Electronic and Animated Arts winning л л
л л in the Best PC Game strategy. л л
л л л л
л л Control any department within your government or delegate л л
л л decisions to your Cabinet Ministers л л
л л л л
л л Sophisticated Military Strategic and Tactical Command л л
л л System л л
л л л л
л л Select from hundreds of actual military vehicles to research, л л
л л build, and deploy л л
л л л л
л л Choose conventional warfare or develop your nuclear weapons л л
л л program л л
л л л л
л л Detailed Economic and Political Models л л
л л л л
л л Flexible Diplomatic Interface allowing sophisticated л л
л л negotiations л л
л л л л
л л Play any one of over 250 Regions world-wide л л
л л л л
л л High Resolution Satellite imagery provided courtesy of NASA л л
л л л л
л л Single Player or Multi Player support л л
л л л л
л л Includes Map Editor and extensive modability л л
л л л л
л л Varied Game-play options include Regional Battles, Missions л л
л л and Campaigns л л
л л л л
л л Next Generation AI л л
л л л л
л л Introducing BattleGoat's new Super Sandbox Mode for unlimited л л
л л customization and replayability л л
л А л А
плВппппппппппппппппллппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппп ппп п
плн Install Notes: плм А л
м? оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л 1. Unpack Release л л
Б л 2. Mount/Burn Image л л
л л 3. Install Game л л
л л 4. Use this serial: л л
л л 5. Check our cracktro out, it's located in the SKIDROW dir on л л
л л the CD л л
л л 6. Play the game л л
л л л л
л л Remember to check our cool cracktro first! :P
슈퍼파워식 전략게임
기대지수 c+ 흥행지수 d+