Presents: Audiosurf: Ride your music (c) Dylan Fitterer 賽 ??
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? Release Date : 18/02/2008 Protection : Steam+Custom ?
? File Count : 28x15 MB Game Genre : Arcade ?
輻 ? ?
霜 Game Info ??
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? Ride your music. ?
? ?
? Audiosurf is a music-adapting puzzle racer where you use your ?
? own music to create your own experience. The shape, the speed, ?
? and the mood of each ride is determined by the song you choose. ?
? You earn points for clustering together blocks of the same color ?
? on the highway, and compete with others on the internet for ?
? the high score on your favorite songs. ?
? ?
? Audiosurf includes The Orange Box soundtrack, ?
? integrated with the game to enable "Still Alive" surfing and more.?
? ?
? - Play with any music from your own collection ?
? * The game supports MP3s, iTunes M4As, WMAs, CDs and OGGs ?
? - Valve's The Orange Box Original Soundtrack is included. ?
? - Online scoreboards for each song you play. ?
? - Choose your strategy from 14 available characters. ?
? - Track your progress as Achievements. ?
? ?
? For more info visit: ?
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霜 Release Notes ??
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? The installer has been modified for your needs so Steam won't be ?
? installed. Everything else remains the same. ?
? A internet connection, and Steam is NOT required to play the game ?
? from this release! ?
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霜 Install Notes ??
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? 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or WhatEver. ?
? 2. Burn or Mount the image! ?
? 3. Enjoy!