RELEASE DATE : 12-04-2007 PROTECTION : Serial В
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плн Release Notes: плм А л
мў оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л SunAge is upon us - the solar system is dying. л л
Б л л л
л л With Earth teetering on the brink of extinction, human л л
л л Federals and mutant-gene Raak-Zun are battling for control of л л
л л its dwindling resources. Then, into this savage conflict step л л
л л the mysterious Sentinel, exploiting superior technology that л л
л л opens gateways to an alien and resource-rich planet. л л
л л л л
л л An epic clash is set to unfold, and along with it the mystery л л
л л of a sinister creature that lurks at the very heart of their л л
л л troubles... л л
л л л л
л л SunAge is a PC realtime strategy game developed by Vertex4, л л
л л where the player can experience immersive gameplay with 3 л л
л л different races, each with their own arsenal of units, л л
л л buildings and upgrades. The game takes place in a futuristic л л
л л setting across 2 different worlds, ranging from a lush alien л л
л л planet to desolate wastelands and through industrial л л
л л cities. л л
л л л л
л л Dual combat modes for all units: 3 races featuring dozens of л л
л л units with dual functionality for greater tactical depth л л
л л л л
л л Connections lines: Exploit weaknesses in the enemies network л л
л л while strengthening your own л л
л л л л
л л Formations: Intuitive formation handling and superior overview л л
л л in battles л л
л л л л
л л Campaign: 24 map single player campaign with strong л л
л л storyline л л
л л л л
л л Multiplayer: Oldschool multiplayer with focus on gathering 4 л л
л л kinds of resources and outsmarting the opponent in battle л л
л л л л
л л Command queuing: Command your units to prone, build or attack л л
л л where you want them and WHEN you want them to do so. л л
л л л л
л л Additional Notes: л л
л л л л
л л This is a very fine game, actually it reminds us about, when л л
л л KALiSTO released the scene's first PC "ISO" game called л л
л л Starcraft by Blizzard Entertainment. Not because we would rate л л
л л this release in the same league as the Blizzard classic, but л л
л л because this game is actually good. Yes, we know it has been л л
л л done before, but the developers of this game, actually л л
л л maintained to make this entertaining and succeeded in giving л л
л л us a feeling, we have searched for over the last years. л л
л л л л
л л So when you play this and agree with us, buy the game, the л л
л л developer deserves it. Afterall, good software should be л л
л л supported, that is the only way we can stop all the lousy л л
л л games out there, that don't live up to the hype. л л
л л л л
л л We know it's a little early, but anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS! л л
л л л л
л А л А
плВппппппппппппппппллппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппппп ппп п
плн Install Notes: плм А л
мў оВ мммммммммммммммммллм Б л
л млп л В л
ппп А л 1. Unpack Release л л
Б л 2. Mount/Burn Image л л
л л 3. Install Game л л
л л 4. Use this serial: л л
л л 5. Play this wonderful game л л
л л л л
л л We included something in the SKIDROW dir on the CD :P MERRY л л
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