Major League Baseball?2K8 returns to the diamond with the ? 탁?
焙? ? most complete MLB?experience available on every major ? 탁?
焙? ? video game console. Revolutionizing your control of the 5 ? 탁?
焙? ? tools in baseball are brand new pitching, fielding and ? 탁?
焙? ? baserunning controls and completely overhauled batting ? 탁?
焙? ? interface. Featuring a totally unique trading card mode, ? 탁?
焙? ? robust Minor League?system, all-new Signature Style? ? 탁?
焙? ? animations for 2008, and more, Major League Baseball?2K8 ? 탁?
焙? ? brings a new level of fun to the virtual baseball world.
2k8 ps2버전입니다.
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