'XBOX360'에 해당되는 글 177건

  1. 2008.03.14 Condemned.2.Bloodshot.USA.XBOX360-iMARS

Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Retail Date:    03/11/08
Platform:       XBOX360
Region:         USA (Region Free)
Genre:          Horror Action Adventure

Players will assume the identity of Ethan Thomas, former Serial Crimes Unit investigator, who has been called back to duty to track down his missing partner. The disturbing events from Ethan’s past have left him a broken man – a desperate burnout drifting aimlessly through society in an inexplicable decline. Fighting inner demons throughout his one-man investigation into a sinister conspiracy, Ethan will need to use anything and everything in the environment to survive as he unravels the mysteries shrouding the city in darkness.



호러 fps
기대지수 b-   흥행지수 b-
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