Release Date : 02/06/08 Format : ISO ?
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? Region : USA NTSC Size : 71X100MB ?
? ?
? Platform : XBOX360 Filename : xc-tswc
Step into a mysterious world where you'll see the unseen in this fantastic ?
? adventure based on the Spiderwick Chronicles book series and movie. Explore ?
? the enchanted Spiderwick home while playing as any of the three Grace ?
? children, Jared, Simon, or Mallory, plus their tiny friend Thimbletack. ?
? Battle goblins, capture Faerie creatures, solve puzzles, and more with ?
? kid-friendly combat and controls. Enter found objects into your Field Guide ?
? to give your character new abilities, earn new items, or discover hints. ?
? Mini-games sprinkled in along the way bring added excitement that can be ?
? enjoyed by one or two players. ?
? ?
RegionFree: YES ?
? ?
? Pre-Patched with SS, DMI and PFI ?
? ?
? A big shout out to all the groups keeping the scene alive.