REL Date ...... : 11/02/07 Platform ..... : XBOX360
: Game Type ..... : Action Origin ........ : USA-NTSC
. Release Type .. : Full DVD Image Format .. : ISO
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Building on the success of both LEGO Star Wars videogames, LEGO Star
Wars: The Complete Saga enables families to play through the events
of all six Star Wars movies in one videogame for the first time ever.
From the Trade Federation's "negotiations" with Obi-Wan Kenobi and
Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace to the space battle above Endor
in Return of the Jedi, The Complete Saga allows players to kick some
brick through 36 Story Mode levels, including Episode II's newly
added high-speed pursuit of bounty hunter Zam Wessell. Traveller's
Tales has revamped levels from the original LEGO Star Wars to match
the gameplay evolutions found in LEGO Star Wars II, and Prequel Trilogy
characters can now be mixed and matched with those from the Original
Trilogy -- more than 160 in all. Features include new playable
characters, an upgraded character customizer, and new bonus levels.
The Complete Saga is everything that was awesome about the first two
games -- drop-in and drop-out gameplay, hordes of unlockables, force
powers and red bricks -- plus crazy new console stuff such as improved
graphics, drop-in and drop-out online gameplay via Xbox Live, new
levels, new characters, new bounty hunter missions and more.
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REAGION : Region-Free
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