filename : onibaba.mdf+mds
filesize : 3.9gb
The story in Oniblade involves a mysterious artifact, a hair-raising curse and the secrets of an ancient civilization. Expect to see spectacular creatures and an astonishing fantasy universe as you work your way through the narrative;
The heroine is a beautiful girl who hunts for artifacts that can endow her with destructive magic;
Simple game controls allow you to perform a large array of basic combat moves and deadly combos, making Oniblade as beautiful to watch as it is thrilling to play. This basic combat mode, however, pales in comparison to the alternate mode, in which the heroine transforms into a demonic form, and her power and speed increase considerably;
For dealing out death to her enemies, Oniblade carries dual-fisted Gunblades she can both fire like a gun and swing like a sword. When the weapon loses its effectiveness, you can utilize magic to slaughter enemies;
Role-playing elements that allow you to improve Oniblade's skills and upgrade her weapons;
More than 20 spells and weapons, ten unique enemies and 30 expansive locations;
The outcome of the game depends on your actions and the choices you make. The story contains two different endings, one of which results in cataclysmic consequences.
...nfo made by gurmddara
Hey! where the heck is nfo?
I'm the super game list maker.
graphic settings :minimum, low, medium, high, maximum
antialising none, 2x 4x 6x (안티는 2x로 하세요. 4x이상으로 하면 붕 떠있는 화면만 나옵니다)
anisotroping filtering none 2x 4x 8x 16x (d
texture guality: low medium high
the ticks:
dynamic light
HDR, adaptation, bump, parallax (사양 좋다면 모두 체크)
audio settings
audio, surrondffects
обновление= apply
запустить игру= start game
вьiход= exit
기대지수 b- 흥행지수 c+